In an effort to spread the good news of Jesus Christ the Guntersville Church of Christ supports, in full and in cooperation. with other churches, mission efforts in several locations. For more information click on the links below.
We are the sponsoring congregation for Ian Starrs who preaches for several congregations throughout south central Scotland including Aberdeen, Kirkcaldy, Livingston and East Kilbride ( near Glasgow). He and his wife, Barbara, are native Scotts who have been involved in mission work throughout the UK for over 30 years. If you have any questions about our work in Scotland, please see Greg Driskill.
We have been involved in the country of Cuba since 2009. We support four full time preachers and make annual trips to the island to interact with the churches. It is a very unique work and we feel blessed to be a part in the spreading of the Gospel in that part of the world. If you have any questions about the work in Cuba, please see Philip Bradley or Frank Hughes.
In 2014 we began a work in the small city of Diaz Ordaz on Mexico's west coast. Rafael Alvarez and his wife Eunice were hand picked for this work. We constructed a unique building from shipping containers that serves multiple purposes, including our annual medical mission trip. If you have any questions about our work in Baja, please see Tim Nichols.
French African Christian Education (FACE): We support the training of two preachers each year who are enrolled in the Bible Training School in Benin, West Africa. Currently the Bible College has trained over 233 preachers, planted 350 congregations and have converted over 15,000 Christians in French speaking West Africa. If you have any questions about our work at F.A.C.E., please see Greg Driskill.
Our mission: To share the Good News of Jesus with the world's lost by motivating and equipping everyday Christians to use interactive Bible studies effectively. WBS is one of the most proven, cost-effective means of equipping Christians to fulfill the Great Commission. The ministry has taught millions of truth-seekers by mobilizing tens of thousands of everyday, volunteer Christians. If you have any questions about World Bible School, please see Lane Black.
We have enjoyed a longstanding relationship/support for the work of Monday John Akpakpan in southern Nigeria. Monday John has been instrumental in the conversion of literally thousands of Nigerians and has planted hundreds of churches over the last 40 years. He is considered one of the most influential missionaries in the entire brotherhood. Monday John works closely with World Bible School. If you have any questions about our work in Nigeria, please see Lane Black.